
thomas living in queensland

A swim in the dam

We love being taken down to our dam, and it’s even better when there is water in it! Our dry season is roughly from May to September (the cooler months) so summer usually sees our dam filling a few times:

12 January 2011 Posted by | Dogs, Summer, Swimming, Thomas | | 3 Comments

Tropical Evening Chorus

Sometimes during this time of the year there’s no point in Nan & Pop having the TV going ‘cos they can’t hear it for the songs of the frogs, toads and crickets. The noise is even worse after rainfall and during the evening. Nan & Pop like the noise though because it is a sound of the tropics; reminiscent of balmy evenings, salt pools and palm trees.

Nan has taken a video just so that you can listen to these tropical noises for yourself. She stood just outside the family room sliding door. This is what we hear. Make sure you’ve got your sound on!

It took some time and a number of reference books but Nan has identified the types of frogs and toad responsible for those noises.When she can she will post their names and pics.

9 January 2011 Posted by | Critters, Farm, Summer | | 6 Comments

Paperbark Trees & Swimming Pools

Summer around here is usually heralded by a number of things. The weather warms up, of course, and the humans complain about the humidity, but there are other tell-tale signs.

For instance, our paperbark (melaleuca) trees shed their bark. This goes on throughout summer as the new bark underneath is revealed. The paperbark isn’t used for many things but it is used by the Aborigines for such things as containers, totem poles, seal for ovens and canoes. Paperbark is also used for habitat for shelter when on “walkabout” around the countryside. And the thick old paperbark trucks provide hollows especially when fires occur during dry season:

The second absolute indicator of summer being here is our summer pool looks more inviting if you were a crocodile than a dog or human. There are swamps around that are less dirty than our pool at the moment:

No doubt Pop will have it clean and ready for use just in time for it to be too cold for Nan to swim.

2 January 2011 Posted by | Farm, Summer | | 3 Comments